By the way Bubbly is going, it seems to be the next big thing after the current internet fad - Twitter.
Bubble Motion has recently launched this
Bubbly - a voice-blogging social network built for mobile phones.
Bubbly is already moving upwards with the number of subscribers, which have reached 500,000. They claim to they have more than 150,000 users from India only.
With Bubbly, you can record and broadcast messages from any mobile device. When a users records audio messages (lasting up to one minute) and updates, followers can listen in whenever they want. To start voice-blogging, you enter a short code onto your phone, and start recording your messages. To follow another voice-blogger, users dial the phone number for whomever they want to follow. Whenever there’s a new audio update, followers are notified via SMS with instructions on how to listen. Bubblers can also control who can listen to their messages, and have the option of masking their actual phone number to prevent followers from calling them directly.
Bubbly is currently partnering with mobile operators in India and has launched with regional and national Indian celebrities using voice-blogging using Bubbly. India seems like a perfect market for Bubbly. Among the first few is Sonu Niggaam. He said, "This platform offers no space for pretensions and is a genuine way of engaging with fans". Hey, can't one mimic the celebs voice?
Looking at all this, Bubbly can have success in markets where mobile usage is more than the internet usage.