Tuesday, June 08, 2010

10 Simple but Important Tips for Email Campaigns

Marketing using emails is a very tricky matter. You have to face many hurdles. First you need to hit the inbox of the prospect and not the junk folder. Then, you just have 60 characters to display to the prospect – the subject line. Subject line is the one which can make the prospect open the email or just trash it away. Next is the call-to-action line. These are just few and there are many more. Below are the few best tips which can help in making your email campaign successful. Most of them are the same ones which you may already know. But, read #9 and #10 and let me know your thoughts.

1. Address recipients with their name in the email. Make it a bit personalized but, make sure you do not overdo it.

2. Avoid spam friendly words in subject and text of the emails like $, Dollars, Discount, Free… If at all you want to use in the body text of the email use it once. Better use these words in images.

3. Avoid sending promo emails during vacation and holiday seasons. This will lead to a very low open rate.

4. Avoid sending promo emails during starting of the week or during the weekend. Wednesday is the best and auspicious day to have email campaigns.

5. Create clear call-to-action line in text and not in image. Most email clients block images by default.

6. While designing the email, make sure you have the both vertical and horizontal preview panes in mind. Have your main text viewable to the reader through both the preview panes. Move the boring stuff down.

7. Have the email of two are three short paragraphs. Have bullet points. Short and simple. Do note that readers will not spend more time on the email.

8. Test you emails for all the email clients.

9. Most emails are read on mobile devices now. So, make sure your email is easily read on mobile devices as well.

10. Put URLs in subject line with the attractive subject line. Let the URL be short as well. Mobile users can just click the URL and visit the landing page. Example: Register for a Demo now. http://short.in/demo.

The Constant Contact Guide to Email Marketing

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