Sunday, September 14, 2014

Is Content Still KING?

You must have seen many blogs have sprang the web. Why? As the content is king. Is it really still the King? Just content can't be king. Search engines algorithms are smarter and it just does not depend on content. Writing new and quality content is passé  for search engines now. There are other major factors as well. It is better not to put all the focus on just content. Doing so your website can be content heavy, but may lose quality audience and conversions.

Currently, we are in a state of content overload – this infographic by DOMOSPHERE provides the amount of content published on the internet every day. YouTube users upload 48 hours of video, Facebook users share 684,478 pieces of content, Instagram users share 3,600 new photos, and Tumblr sees 27,778 new posts published. These are sites many people around the world use on a regular basis, and will continue to use in the future. Not to mention all the other web 2.0 sites that have enabled individuals – as well brands – to become publishers and post content.

Very little of it is relevant and brands are failing to cut through the flood as their content marketing fails to take into account the deeply personal and always changing contexts of each individual.


I would say now, the content which influence works. The content that is being shared works. The content that is being talked about works. Nowadays, people really do not get impressed or buy what the ads say. People are much and easily convinced by what their friends and relatives say and recommend. All medias are full of ads and seldom anyone takes it seriously. Influence by friends really works for conversions. And, the search engines do look at such shared and popular content over the web.

The next question will be we can write good content that can influence. But, how to spread that content. You need to engage with like minded people over the web who have synergy is what you write and will be interested in the content. Thus, one needs to build his or her network so that the content what is produced on regular basis is influenced, engaged and is shared among the community. One needs to gain the trust, name and fame among the community and this can only be built with quality content and it consumes time to gain the loyalty of the community.

So, the bottom line is the content what you produce needs to influence and garner attention of as many people as possible. This is only possible when you have a good network and customer relationship.

E-commerce based websites can use the demographic profile (like age, gender, location...) available of their audience or their prospects to garner more attention to the content. idio Inc provides Content Analytics. Content analytics is the process of structuring previously unstructured content, by extracting new information.  It is the process of measuring content.  The output – the measurements – is in the form of metadata that describes that content. This can include the topics, people, places, companies and concepts in the content, sentiment towards aspects of the content, and the language of that content. Content analytics helps to understand the customers' interests, use social media, identify trends among the customer base, re-use effective content and market content effectively.

Thus, building network and customer relationships helps not only to rank better in search engines but also, increasing the sales.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Tips to Get a Great Deal While Buying or Selling a Domain Name

Yes. I am back again after a long time. There are two reasons for this. First, one person encouraged me to write the blog as he found it interesting and did not want to leave this as it is. Second, I had the opportunity to attend the DomainX Conference 2014 and this prompted me to put down my thoughts.

DomainX was a great event and I was able to be there till the lunch and had to leave. There was an interesting session by Deepak Daftari, who conveyed his experience of selling and buying domain names and has also provided few tips.

Here are few points which I jotted down.

  1. Always be sure which domain name you are buying. It is always better to buy domain names from expired domain names and there are websites which list and auction such expired and deleted domain names. Few are and
  2. There are various tools available over the net which can be used. These tools help to know the approximate value of the domain name and can help in the decision making. Few factors which you can consider to decide on the value are search volume of the domain name, length of the domain name, usage of figures or hyphen/s, the TLDs...etc. One can refer
  3. It always to better to buy and keep .com and .net extension domain names. The appraise and are in demand.
  4. Be honest and loyal. Never do domain name squatting. Do not try to make more money quickly. If you are not loyal then you are not only spoiling your own reputation but, spoiling the business and reputation of others as well.
There were other talks and panel discussion on legal and cyber laws. Over the event was good and well organized. Cheers to the organizers and the team.

Apart from just buying and selling of domain names - you can get loan against your registered domain name. You can refer to In 2013 they have kept aside USD 20M to lend against domain names - Read here.

Now, not only loans you can rent out a domain name or pay monthly to a domain name of your choice if you cannot buy. Use any domain name you want of your choice – even that domain name that is worth USD 20,000 or USD 250,000 – for as little as 3 percent down and $69 per month. Check

I would also like to inform that we own about 1500 premium domain names and would like to sell them if anyone is interested. Few of them are,,,,,,, and many more...