Thursday, June 04, 2009

5 Easy Tips to Improve the CTR for Google Adwords

It really helps a lot in conversions and better ROI if you try to improve the CTR for your ads in Google Adwords. The better the CTR, the better the ad position with the lower CPC, which leads to quality clicks. And finally this leads to better conversions and better ROI.

Here are few easy tips which can help you to increase the CTR. Couple of them are the same old tips, but rest of them are new ones and are working well for my ads. You can test them out and let me know if it worked for you as well.
  1. Spend money on keywords that work: Use exact match or phrase match for the keywords (use of square brackets or quotes like [keywords] or “keywords”). This helps in avoiding unwanted clicks. You will get the clicks which your ad is supposed to be clicked for. This way you get only potential customers to click the ad. Even the use of negative keywords will filter the unwanted clicks. Check for more details on Google Adwords.
  2. Double Advantage: Have variable title for the ads like – {Keyword: Default Title} where you need to replace the default title with suitable text. Visitors tend to click if they find the keyword they are searching for in the ad. In addition to that, Google bolds the keyword which is being searched. So, you will have a double advantage to use the keywords in the title.
  3. Create Urgency: Try to use good call-to-action lines in the ad copy. Let it create the sense of urgency to make the visitor click. Keep in mind that your ad is being shown among your competitors and you need to attract that click. Try testing these which suits the ad – Click now, Get it now, Download free trial, Try our trial today, Special Offer, only for today…
  4. Specific Action: Direct the visitor in the ad the action he/she has to make after clicking. This will help them to make a quick decision to click or not. For example: Register now, Buy at a discount, Download the white paper, Read brochure…
  5. Numberings: Numbers really help in attracting quality clicks. Try putting the prices in the copy. The visitor will decide prior to clicking the ad if he/she finds the price attractive. You can also put toll free numbers in the ad as it will avoid that click and the visitor will directly call you and will not click. Just give a unique phone number so that you can track the calls and calculate the conversions and ROI.
I would like to hear your experiences too in this regard.

Related posts:

13 Easy Tips to Make Landing Pages More Effective
6 Basic Tips for a Perfect PPC Campaign

Grow Your Business with Google AdWords: 7 Quick and Easy Secrets for Reaching More Customers with the World's #1 Search Engine


Unknown said...

Overall, creating urgency in ad copy is an excellent best practice to most settings.

I've noticed (and tests confirm) that creating a sense of urgency in ad copy is typically more successful for B2C. Often (but not always) it has the exact opposite effect in a B2B setting.

Based on my experience urgency can be used in both settings, as long as the verbiage doesn't discourage users from clicking through.

Anonymous said...

Great info, thanks!

Some nice tips there which I will be testing out in some new ads.

Cody James Miller

PPC-SEO Optimizer said...

All are Old ones & not Working for my site

Anonymous said...


Aashish Malve said...

@Kamalpreet Yes, I already mentioned in my blog that couple of them are old ones. These tips mainly work for B2C campaigns. Using the tips does not gaurantee better CTR, it also depends on the keyowrds and audience you are targetting. Also, on the impressions your ads are getting.