Thursday, February 19, 2009

Google Analytics To Track Telephone and Live Chat Leads

Google Analytics recently stated in a blog post that they will be integrating a system to track telephone and live chat leads into Google Analytics.

Google has teamed up with Mongoose Metrics to allow users to track the offline calls into the analytics tool. Mongoose Metrics provides toll free number and Google Analytics tracks the calls made to the numbers by assigning that number to a hidden web page on your site containing the analytics tracking script/code.

This is what Jeff Gillis from Google Analytics team has to say – “When a phone call to the tracking number is connected, the technology will place a web browser visit to your hidden tracking web page and in this way insert the phone call event back into your Google Analytics account. Each phone call generates a unique visit which is clearly labeled inside of Analytics”.

As far as tracking of live chat, they have teamed up with Live Person. Live Person created a Google Analytics integration that allows users to track conversions after chat and provide the following data:

  • The Map Overlay Report which provides the volume and quality metrics of live chat interactions by geographic region
  • Provides the sources and keywords that drive interactive chats and thus resulting in conversions
  • The Goal Path Report which lists the navigation flow that led to the chats and so the conversion

Are they still missing any offline tracking of leads or conversions?

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